
The Power of Your Words


You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you; and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways. Job 22:28 (AMPC)

We make decisions in our heart daily. We decide what we think about certain things and our words often speak for or against us. Life and death truly are in the power of the tongue, and we will eat its fruit.

Jesus said, For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matt. 12:37 (NKJV)

When we say, I declare, I have decided to follow Jesus, we are declaring out of the decision we have made because it is in accordance with the Word of God. It is God‘s will that all men are saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. This decree is backed up by the Word of God.

God will only honour declarations made that are in accordance with His Word. They come to pass because His Word will not come back void. We have been given authority in Christ to speak declare and decree the Word and EXPECT it to come to pass.

We are speaking the Word and taking it to a new level in declaring or decreeing it out of our mouth as we speak from our Kingly position that is referred to twice in the book of the Revelation.

The verse reads, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Rev. 1:6

To declare effectively, we need to understand our position in Christ. We need to understand our priestly position before we can understand our Kingly position. We pray from our priestly position, and we declare and decree from our Kingly position. We are seated in heavenly places in Christ beside Jesus.

We need to get this into our hearts and realize we may be seated in our prayer chair in the living room but positionally we are not there. We are seated in heavenly places in Christ, so physically, we may be sitting in our living room, but in the realm of the spirit we are seated with Christ in the third heaven.

What a mighty God we serve, we are seated above all principalities, powers, and demons. They are under our feet. Glory to God. The enemy is under our feet.

Scripture also says we are seated there together. Jesus said where two or three gather I am there in the midst. we stand upon God‘s Word and God backs up His Word.

To think we can make a decree without the weight of Almighty God and His Word behind it, just won’t do it. His written and Rhema Word together make for powerful decrees.

We are decreeing with His authority, that is all the authority of the risen Lord, standing with us. We are exercising the authority; He gave to His body the church.

When we make decrees, we speak them out loud, but we also need to be alert and focus, being fully aware of who we are in Christ when we are decreeing them. We are essentially saying, this Word that I am speaking is going to come to pass in the earth, no if’s ands or buts about it. The Spirit and the Word agree. God said it and that settles it.

God Word sharpens us daily. We need to live in the Word and let it become one with us so that we can effectively live it and declare and decree it.

We are not saying that we do not have issues in this life, and we are not blind to them. We pray about them we break generational curses when needed. We also set the captives free from things that bind them and that, coupled together with the declaration of the Word of God and decreeing, His Word is above all these things, and that the enemy is under, our feet brings liberty, and sets the captives free.

By His stripes we were healed. (He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”) I Peter 2:24 (NIV)

If we are consistent and persistent in our relationship with Jesus as our first love and in declaring and decreeing, we will see the fruit of our labor. We will see the fruit of our decreeing the Word of God in our lives and in our generations to come.

I declare there is power in the spoken and the written Decree, in Jesus name.

Patricia Hamel

March 18, 2024

11:56 am